The majority of brokers continue to work with the big 3 insurers and hesitate to step outside their norms unless they find themselves in a position where no one else is willing to offer cover or the local capacity dries out, which is happening more often in the market today. While we can help in some of these cases (hard to place), the message we wish to deliver is that there needs to be a balanced approach to good business to allow us to assist with high-risk business. We are looking to form stable and long-term relationships.
We take pride in being solution-focused and delivering quick turnaround times both on quoting and claims service. We are available at a moment's notice, be it via email or phone, and our turnaround time for quotes is within 2 business days or sooner. We understand that many of our broker clients don't give a big lead on new business opportunities, so our turnaround time is a big priority. Though we are Auckland-based, we are happy to meet with the team and talk to brokers anywhere in New Zealand.
Our SME and Property offering is not designed for high-risk buildings or occupations, but our relationship with overseas capacity providers enables us to approach Lloyd’s Open Market for your hard-to-place risks, be it a rare classic vehicle, expensive work of art, personal aircraft, intellectual property, and more. Additionally, IUNZ can provide capacity for Co-Insurance to follow NZI and Vero. However, we want to make sure that the focus of our efforts is on our SME and Property binder, which has a low appetite for high-risk items but emphasizes quick turnaround times.