Taxis and Ridesharing Insurance
Duty of Disclosure
Your Duty of Disclosure
You must tell us all information you know (or could reasonably be expected to know) which would influence the judgement of a prudent underwriter whether or not to accept your application, and if it is accepted, on what terms and at what cost.
Examples of information you may need to disclose include:
anything that increases the risk of an insurance claim;
any criminal convictions in the last 7 years or where imprisoned;
if another insurer has cancelled or refused to renew insurance, or has imposed special terms;
any insurance claim you have made in the past.
Examples of information you do not need to disclose include:
anything that reduces the risk of an insurance claim;
anything we say you do not need to tell us about;
anything that is common knowledge;
anything you have already told us, or that we should be expected to know in the ordinary course of our business.
These examples are a guide only. If you are not sure whether you need to disclose a particular piece of information, please ask.
Click to Accept and continue your application